Lauren Mitchell- founder and owner of Bikini Culture
It all started when I was a little girl. Growing up travelling the world, living abroad and constantly being faced with new places. I was your typical 'girly girl' and with an early developed passion for style, fashion always played a huge part in my life. With an ex 'Miss Australia' and beauty queen for a mother I spent my entire childhood watching my mum's every 'glamorous' move and it wasn't before long I had developed a passion to 'dress'.
I spent a large majority of my childhood in Asia in the 80's where fashion was never a strong point and where choice was never really an option. I then moved to Sydney, Australia, where I literally thought I'd died and gone to beach heaven. Blessed with hot weather, stunning nature and some of best beaches in the world it was no wonder every minute was spent outdoors.
Living by Australia's most iconic beach- Bondi, I spent the next ten glorious years soaking up the sunshine and playing in the surf which ultimately meant half my life was spent in a bikini, and if Australians know one thing its how to make a killer swimsuit.
My love for fashion and for the beach went hand in hand. I worked as a model and in Public relations and often found myself either walking the catwalk in a two piece or organising the latest swim fashion event and being faced with such notorious Australian brands as Seafolly, Baku, Billabong and Tigerlily, my knowledge and love for swimwear only continued to be fuelled.
My 'bikini connoisseur' title continued to grow rapidly among work colleages and friends and my beach lifestyle and travel opportunities meant a new bikini at every opportunity. I continued to work in fashion and was often asked to collaborate with both boutique and mainstream swimsuit brands. By the time I was in my early twenties I packed a suitcase and moved to London where I now live 8 months a year. I bought with me a passion for a simple bikini, which not only embodies for me an ability to express myself but a representation of my personality, travel and life experiences'.
However when I arrived in London I was faced with a dilema; an obvious lack of the beach (not happy) matched with a complete inability to find a good bikini anywhere! While the other 4 months of the year are spent roaming every sandy corner of Europe, it took me many weeks prior to each trip ordering bikinis from all corners of the world- Australia, where I knew I was guaranteed a good suit. Thus the idea for 'Bikini Culture' was born.
I rallied my favourite international designers and made it my goal to satisfy every other beach lover's passion for a good stylish bikini. I now work with many prestigious brands bringing an array of international styles to London and giving other women the same chance to feel empowered.