Highcut- the trend that is entering dangerous territory
Who knew that the red bathing suit trend of Pamela Anderson in Baywatch would do a full 360 and make a comeback in the twentieth century?! The scantily clad theme of the 80's and 90's is back and has already hit the swimsuit racks. One-pieces are officially in and no longer restricted to grannies and pregnant bellies and we are SO EXCITED.
Growing up and wearing one pieces in school, for sports and because our dad told us we had to meant that by the time we hit puberty all we wanted to do was to rebel and wear the skimpiest swimsuits we could find, ie; the itsy bitsy bikini. From there we rarely delved into the territory of the one piece as they were always considered dowdy and unflattering. But now my friends- they are the epitome of chic.
Times have changed and our team at bikini culture are loving the increasingly higher and narrower crotches of swimsuits and we're also convinced it's for the better! High cut costumes are flattering and show off all the right curves, they elongate a women's slhouette and make your legs look like they go on forever!
Debbie Attard, a swimwear designer at American Apparel claims 'a high cut swimsuit has the ability to complement a variety of body types. Even if a woman doesn’t want to show her midriff, she can still feel vivacious in an enticing one-piece.'
So ladies it might be time to book in for the bald eagle and get 'high cut ready', but make sure you've got confidence because it will be a tough look to pull off without it!